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Parks. Who maintains Friars Creek Park?The City Parks Department maintains our park. Report park issues to the Temple Parks Department. Belfair Development contributed 8-acres of park land to the City of Temple for Friars Creek Park. The parkland is generally located on the south and east of Friars Creek Landing homes and follows the creek from Hartrick Bluff Road to the abandoned railroad tracks, and connects to South Temple Park trails to Lions Junction on South 5th Street. The abondoned railroad, adjacent to the north side of Friars Creek Landing homes, will soon become part of Temple's trail system, with Phase one improvements funded from South 5th Street to South 31st Street. Future phases will extend the trail all the way to I35 in Belton and connect with other trails. Residents of Friars Creek Landing will enjoy direct access to what will become a major element of Temple's trail system.
Mail. Why can't I have a curbside mailbox?The US Postal Service determined that Friars Creek residents mail service would be by cluster boxes at a central location determined by the post office.
Cable & Internet Service. Why arn't there more options?Since the legislature removed the requirement for Cable companies to negotiate franchise agreements with municipalities, they have become very independent. Installation time lag is a statewide problem and some cable companies have left our market.
Street Repair. Who is responsible for repairing our streets?Friars Creek streets, as with all city streets, are maintained by the City of Temple. Issues should be reported to the City Streets Department.
Speeding. What can the HOA do about speeding in Friars Creek?Speeding is a City of Temple Police Department enforcement issue. The speed limit is 30 mph on all Temple residental streets. Please report speeders, with license number and vehicle description, to the Temple PD.
Parking. Why does the HOA restrict parking on our public streets?Street parking presents numorous community issues. Safety is compromised when streets are congested with vehicle parking. The overall appearance and home values are negatively impacted by cluttered and congested streets. Except short-term visitor parking, vehicles may not be parked on Friars Creek streets for extended periods during the day or night.
Boats & Trailers, etc. What are the rules?"Boats, trailers, motorhomes, and commercial vehicles may not be parked on the street for extended periods during the day or night. Exceptions are permitted during ARC approved construction projects.
HOA Dues: How much are annual dues and when do we pay?Annual dues assessments and payment options are detailed on this website. Link to... "Pay Dues". The HOA board of directors sets an annual budget and monitors expenses regularly. In fact, members, through "Your HOA Account" (from the "HOA Members" page) can review monthly HOA Financials.
HOA Dues: How is the money used?HOA dues pay for utilities, insurance, management, and repair and maintenance of entrance monuments, lighting, fencing, landscaping, and irrigation. The HOA is not responsible for maintenance and repair of streets, striping, or street signs.
Fines & Fees: What kind of fines and fees is the HOA authorized to charge?A schedule of fines and fees is found in Article 5 of the Association Policy Manual. The manual is posted on the ‘Documents’ page of the Association website.
Entrance: Who pays for lighting, irrigation and maintenance?"Entrance Lighting is provided by the HOA. Street lighting is provided by the City. Landscaping on our side of Hartrick Bluff Road is maintained and irrigated by the HOA. Irrigation water is provided by the City, at no cost to the HOA, through a ‘Beautification Agreement’ negotiated by the developer.
Hartrick Bluff Road Fence: Who owns it?BelfaiR Development constructed and contributed the fence to the HOA and the HOA maintains it. Owners are not permitted to install gates or remove sections of fence, for any purpose.
HOA Meetings. Are members notified when HOA meetings will be held?Notice of regular and special meetings of the Board of Directors and Membership must be provided to members either by mail, email or posting on the official Association website. Meeting and posting requirements are detailed in Articles 11 & 12 of the Association Policy Manual, which can be accessed on the ‘Documents’ page of the Association website. HOA members are encouraged to attend Association meetings.
HOA Records: How do we get HOA meeting minutes and financial information?Meeting minutes, financial reports, and annual budgets may be downloaded from the “HOA Members” page of the HOA website.
Solicitors: What can be done about unwanted solicitors?Uninvited solicitors and those without a city permit should be reported to the Temple Police Department. City ordinance stipulates that solicitors must have secured an appointment, or have been invited to the premises by the owner or occupant, and must have secured a city permit prior to the appointment.
Resident Violations. No one seems to be doing anything about covenant violations. Why?The Management company conducts drive-through inspections every three weeks. Violations that occur during evening hours are difficult to document. HOA members may also report violations. To be effective, violation reports must contain specific information such as, date, time, address, name, license numbers, etc. When received, alleged violations are confirmed and owners notified with a time allowance for correction, prior to levy of fines. Violation reports, are helpful and appreciated, however followup on action taken or outcome, will not be made to reporters. Violations correction is sometimes lengthily... especially with absentee owners. When a violation is repeated it can appear to be a violation that has not been addressed.
Basketball Goals. Are permanent or portable basketball goals permitted?Permanent installations may not be visible from a street. Portable goals must not be left out when not in use.
Construction Projects. Do room additions, swimming pools, fences, etc. require ARC approval?"Friars Creek Protective Covenants require submittal of plans to the ARC through the HOA Manager. ARC approval is required prior to commencement of construction. ‘Plans Review Application' forms may be downloaded from the Architectural Review page of the HOA website. Swimming Pools... above-ground pools, diving boards, and water-slides are not permitted.
Fences: Are fences required, must they be stained?"Wooden screening fences are required adjacent to Hartrick Bluff Rd. Fencing adjacent to parkland must be metal wrought-iron type. Requirements, including wood type, construction, and location of fence pickets is set forth in the "Protective Covenants" found on the "Documents" page of the website. Chain-link type fencing may only be used when located inside wooden fenced areas, and may not be visible from a street or other property. Such fences are usually for a dog or pet "run".
Garage Enclosures. May we enclose our garage?Garage enclosure is virtually impossible because acceptable alternate garage space must be available. For approval, the ARC must find that the proposed project will result in a home that is harmonious with the overall appearance of the community. ARC prior approval is required.
Trash Cans. What are the rules?Trash cans may be placed at the curb on the night before City collection then returned by collection day nightfall. All other times, trash cans must be stored away from public view.
Storage Containers: Are temporary storage containers restricted?Temporary storage containers, including trucks, PODS, or similar storage containers, are restricted. Limitations include placement location and time permitted. Prior ARC approval is required.
Pets. What kind and how many are allowed?Maximum 4-pets per property. Exotic or dangerous animals are absolutely forbidden. Pet restrictions are detailed in the "Protective Covenants" posted on the website "Documents" Page.
Noisy Neighbors. What can the HOA do?Notification. When properly notified with specifics, including address, the HOA will request that the owner "hold it down" and respect others right to peace and quiet. Management. Noisy neighbors are a challenge to manage. When excessive, or the HOA's efforts are unsuccessful, the matter should be reported to the Temple Police Department.
Builder Violations. Builders sometimes violate covenants. Why isn’t anything done?Subcontractors. Homebuildings subcontractor construction system is a big part of the challenge. Subs are often onsite for only a short while, many times with workers who have no knowledge of covenants or do not care. Chronic worker shortage and continual replacement, compounds the problem. Fines & Liens. To get “builders attention”, fines may be levied and liens placed on properties.
Noise. What can be done about irritating construction noise?Construction noise can be irritating, but it generally moves along as a street builds-out. Residents are encouraged to be tolerant... the noise you hear is similar to noise others likely tolerated while your home was being constructed. Following inclement weather, contractors attempt to make up time by working longer hours.
Noise. What hours are construction workers allowed to work?Normal Working Hours: Monday: Friday: 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Saturday: 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Sunday: Only permitted with extenuating circumstances. Exceptions Weather. Exceptions are made when justified by severe or extended periods of inclement weather, proximity to occupied dwellings, early morning concrete pours during summer months, and other justifiable urgency. Interior work that does not produce excessive noise is permitted outside normal hours.
Trash. Are Friars Creek contractors required to manage their trash?Home builders are required to manage their construction trash and debris, by contract. As with other violations, trash is challenging to manage, due to the subcontractor system of construction. It is often difficult to determine the responsible builder.

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